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Why Is My Philodendron Sticky?

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Up close green Philodendron leaf with words saying Why is my Philodendron sticky
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Odds are if you have found your way to this article, you have been asking yourself, why is my Philodendron sticky?

The answer is simple, if your Philodendron leaves have become sticky then you most likely have a pest infestation going on.

While this may not be the end of the world for your plant, pests can do some serious damage and at the very least, mess with the aesthetics of your Philodendron.

No matter what kind of pest issue you have going on, they should be dealt with as soon as you can.

So here is why pests will make your Philodendron sticky and what you can do about it.

Pests Leaving Honeydew

Pests such as mealybugs, scales, aphids and others will feed on the sap of your Philodendron, stealing nutrients and causing damage to the plant.

In return they end up leaving behind a sticky substance known as honeydew which is why you have noticed your Philodendron getting sticky.

If this honeydew is left on the foliage, it will quicky turn into sooty mold and you just don’t want anything with mold on or around your plant’s do you?

How to spot pests

Unfortunately there are some pests that aren’t even visible to the naked eye so you may not know you have them until symptoms arrive.

However, some pests can be visible and may show up as small white or black dots, you may see spider webbing for mites, or you may see patches of white on the leaves.

Some symptoms of pests on a Philodendron include but are not limited to drooping leaves, holes in the leaves, discoloration such as yellowing and sticky leaves.

How to get rid of the pests

One of the first things you should do when dealing with a pest issue is to isolate the plant from other plants to prevent the spread of pests.

Next you can try just wiping down the leaves with water and rubbing alcohol as this will do the trick for most pests.

On the other hand, pests like scales can be a bit more tough to remove and it’s recommended you use stronger pest control products such as neem oil.

I personally like neem oil as it’s good for things like fungus and pest removal, plus it helps keep the pests from returning for some time after use.

I recommend this neem oil by the way.

If you decide to opt for neem oil, just be sure to only use it while the philodendron is in shade until the oil dries as it can cause the leaves to burn in sunlight.

Other than that you will be good to go.


So there you have it. Pests are the main cause for a Philodendron to have sticky leaves and the best way to fix this issue is to deal with the pests as soon as possible.

This way you can get back to what you love, growing a happy and healthy Philodendron!

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