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White Spots On Jade Plant Or Turning White

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White Spots On Jade
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Jade plants are often found to be very easy to manage as they can grow quite well on their own without much trouble.

Occasionally you may run into issues though such as finding white spots on your Jade plant or the plant itself seems to have turned white.

Thankfully most of the reasons why your Jade plant has white spots is going to be an easy fix when done properly.

So here are a few causes for your Jade plant turning white and the solutions to these issues.

Powdery mildew On Jade

The very most common reason why you have white spots on a Jade plant is caused by powdery mildew being formed on the plant.

This can be caused by poor lighting, bad circulation, very damp environment, bad airflow, overwatering and more.

Overhead watering as in watering the leaves themselves can also cause water to not dissipate, especially during the colder seasons or in a dry area, which can still cause this powdery mildew to form on your Jade plant.

So to prevent this mildew from forming you will want to grow your Jade plant in a non damp area, have good airflow, water just enough and give good amounts of light daily.

Avoid overhead watering at all costs and only water the soil itself, don’t forget to use quality soil as well to help prevent overwatering from standing water.

If growing indoors use a south facing window and get an indoor fan if airflow isn’t so great in your home.

So what do you do when powdery mildew has already formed on your Jade?

Solution: You will want to either completely remove the affected leaves and keep the non affected ones, or you can wipe down the leaves with the mildew and then apply some good quality neem oil to help keep the mildew from coming back again.

Pests on your Jade

If you notice white fuzzy spots on Jade plants then odds are your plant could be affected by pests, specifically mealy bugs.

These bugs leave a fuzzy white appearance almost like cotton on your plant and will spread to other plants that are in close proximity.

Another type of pest that can cause white spots on a Jade are known as Scale insects. These small bugs can take over your entire plant if they get out of hand and can make the appearance of your Jade plant turning white.

These pests will feed on your Jade and will take away nutrients from the leaves which can cause curling leaves on a Jade due to dehydration and lack of nutrients.

Luckily getting rid of these pests is pretty simple, especially if caught early on.

Solution: Use some quality neem oil spray to get rid of the mealy bugs and use a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol to get rid of the scale insects.

Neem oil can also work for scale insects but sometimes these pests can be pretty resilient and just have to removed entirely by hand with the cotton swab if the neem oil doesn’t do the trick.

Do this process at least once or twice a week until you notice zero pests are still on your Jade plant.

Also keep your Jade away from other plants until this problem is resolved to prevent the bugs from spreading and wrecking havoc to other plants or succulents.

Cold damage

Jade plants can be pretty sensitive to colder temperatures and can change colors in certain spots where it receives frost damage.

Frost damage can also be the cause of a Jade plant turning black just so you know or have that issue in the future.

If you leave your Jade plant outdoors in freezing temperatures, your Jade plant turning white will be the least of your worries so you should bring this plant indoors.

Frost damage may also occur if your Jade is touching a very cold window or surface and can get it’s discoloration this way.

Solution: Keep your Jade plant in optimal temperatures by bringing the plant indoors when it gets super cold out and make sure this plant isn’t in contact with the window itself when growing indoors. Unfortunately when the damage has been done nothing can really be done about it so it’s best to be prepared.

Salt Accumulation

Lastly, one of the most common causes for white spots on Jade plants is caused by salt accumulation from inside of the leaves which translates onto the exterior of the foliage.

This is a pretty natural process and nothing to actually worry about.

If you want you can try to water with clear water to help prevent this salt excretion but honestly I wouldn’t worry about it since the fix is very simple anyway.

Solution: Just use a slightly wet towel to wipe away this excess salt and you won’t have any more white spots on your Jade plant from this cause.

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