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Panda Plant Leaves Curling [3 Main Reasons Why]

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If you’re anything like me, you like to take great care of your succulents and the smallest noticeable thing might have you questioning yourself if you’ve made a mistake.

In this case, your Panda Plant leaves curling most certainly is noticeable but the reasons why are actually pretty straight forward.

So if you’re wondering why your panda plant leaves are curling then take a look at the common reasons why this is actually happening and you should be able to find the fix in no time.

Reason 1 Overwatering

If the Panda plant leaves are curling downwards then one of the most common reasons why this happens is due to straight up over watering.

This could be due to manual error such as just giving your Panda succulent water constantly or it could be from poor soil selection that doesn’t drain well.

With the Panda plant being more of a winter grower, you should be watering much less during the other seasons if at all if you notice it has become dormant.

As for the soil, you want fast draining, gritty cactus and succulent soil and not some generic potting mix if you think this could be the main issue.

In either case, you want to only water your Panda Plant when it is close to bone dry to prevent yourself from over watering this amazing succulent.

Reason 2 Insufficient light

If your Panda succulent is curling in general, another easy to spot problem is just not enough light or the right type of light.

The Panda Plant really likes to get a lot of light throughout the day, mainly indirect light for several hours a day but some full sun can be good too, provided that it’s not all day or that the temperatures are too high.

This can get tricky during the later months of the year with the sun going down much quicker but you really need to provide at least 6 hours of light a day for your Panda plant to thrive.

Otherwise, your Panda plant will curl it’s leaves and stretch towards the light which is known as succulent etiolation and that is no bueno.

So to prevent this from happening again, if you’re growing indoors, consider getting a grow light if your window doesn’t get enough light or just move your Panda plant closer to the window or use a different one.

If growing outdoors then find a spot that gets adequate amounts of light everyday and where the temperature doesn’t really get above 70 degrees.

Following these steps will ensure your Panda plant gets enough light and will stop curling from this issue.

Reason 3 Transplant stress

Lastly, the reason why your Panda plant leaves are curling could just be due to transplant stress or improper re-potting.

Maybe you damaged the roots when beginning to repot.

Maybe you’re using a container two sizes too small and your Panda plant doesn’t have room to grow an effective root system.

Or Maybe you are just using the wrong soil entirely or this plant is brought to an entirely new type of environment and cant cope with the new change effectively.

You will really have to take a look at all of these things for you to be able to pinpoint where things went wrong.

Think deep, you will be rewarded, with a much healthier Panda Plant.

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