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Gasteria Propagation [3 Ways To Succeed]

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Gasteria succulents sure are unique and can make for an interesting addition to your collection or overall succulent experience.

The cool thing about Gasteria propagation is that you can multiply your current number of Gasteria succulents without having to buy more but instead let nature run it’s course.

So with that being said, let’s talk about how to propagate Gasteria succulents and the different ways you can successfully do it.

How to propagate Gasteria from offsets

So the first and one of the easiest ways you can propagate Gasteria is by using offsets also known as pups depending on who you talk to.

To get started with propagating Gasteria from offsets, you will need to already have a strong and healthy Gasteria succulent that has produced some for you.

Once your Gasteria has produced a good amount of offsets, you may need to brush away any top soil that could be covering not only the offsets but the roots themselves.

Now that the pups roots are visible, you can carefully twist and pull each offset away from the main Gasteria succulent.

If the roots are super well formed and not easy to pull away, you can use a clean sharp knife to cut away the offset from the main plant.

Now that you have some Gasteria offsets prepared, you should let them sit out in some indirect light to dry and callus over.

It can take up to a week or so for this process to finish but it’s important so you don’t have problems down the line like rot for example.

Once your Gasteria offsets are healed, you can prepare a container with quality succulent and cactus soil then go ahead and plant the offset’s roots into the soil with the pup sitting on top of the soil.

Now place the container in a location where it will get plenty of indirect light and water or mist lightly whenever the soil has become dry to the touch.

Continue this process until your Gasteria develops super strong roots and you will be good to go.

That’s really all there is to this Gasteria propagation method and so offsets may be a top choice of a method to use, especially for beginners.

How to propagate Gasteria from leaves

Another way you can propagate Gasteria is by using leaves, although this method has a much lower success rate than if you were to just use offsets.

A low leaf propagation success rate is not exclusive to Gasteria succulents but really succulents as a whole when propagating by using leaves.

So just keep that in mind.

When getting started with this method of propagation, you will once again need to have a healthy Gasteria along with some healthy leaves that you can use.

Once your Gasteria is ready you can just twist off some leaves or use a clean sharp knife to cut away some leaves from the main succulent.

Notice how I said some leaves as you will need to be using more than just one Gasteria leaf for propagation to increase your odds of having success.

Also you want to have healthy, fully intact leaves and not torn ones or ripped in half leaves.

If you’re not comfortable using your hands or a knife for this process then you can always use some quality garden pruning shears to cut the leaves.

So now that you have some Gasteria leaves, you need to set them aside in some indirect light until they can dry and callus over just like most methods.

This can take a few days up to a few weeks just depending on some factors.

Once your leaves are healed, you should prepare a container or ideally a tray with a lot of room for the leaves, along with some high quality succulent and cactus soil.

Now just place the base of the leaves against the soil with enough room between each leaf so they are not touching.

Next place the container or tray in a spot where it will get plenty of indirect light and water or mist lightly only when the soil becomes dry to the touch.

Eventually you will notice a baby Gasteria taking over the leaves you originally propagated with and that will signify that you have been successful.

How to propagate Gasteria from seeds

Propagating Gasteria from seeds is going to be the slowest method of them all but if you have the time and patience then feel free to do so.

To get started you will have two different options, you can either buy Gasteria seeds online or you can collect them yourself after your Gasteria succulent has had a nice bloom.

So now that you have some seeds, you will first want to make sure the seeds are dry and in the meantime you can prepare some soil and a container to use.

First you will want to fill that container with some quality succulent and cactus soil along with some coarse sand that you can place at the top of the soil.

Next you want to take your Gasteria seeds and soak them in lukewarm water for 20 to 30 minutes to loosen the seed coat.

Before placing the seeds, you should water the soil that is in the container pretty thoroughly and let it sit for about 30 minutes before planting.

Perfect timing so you can soak your seeds while waiting for the soil to get set.

Now that everything is ready, go ahead and plant the Gasteria seeds towards the top of the soil with some fine sand covering the seeds without pushing them down far.

Also make sure there is enough space in between each Gasteria seed so they don’t affect one another in the process.

Now cover the container with plastic wrap for best results and place the container in a spot where it gets indirect light on a consistent basis.

Lightly mist the soil whenever the soil has become dry but don’t soak the soil from here on out.

Repeat this process for about 3 weeks or so or until you notice Gasteria seedlings starting to appear at the top of the soil.

Once seedlings have sprouted, you can remove the plastic wrap from the container and continue to water lightly or mist to keep the soil slightly moist.

Do this until your Gasteria seedlings develop strong and healthy roots which can be seen by moving the soil out of the way to show the roots.

Once the roots are pretty well established you can look into re-potting your Gasteria seedlings.

Pour Conclure

So there you have it, a few different ways you can successfully propagate Gasteria succulents even if you aren’t the most experienced succulent enthusiast out there.

If that sounds good to you then go ahead and get started, who knows maybe one day you will consider yourself an expert at Gasteria propagation.

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