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Aeonium Propagation [All Ways Made Easy]

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Performing Aeonium propagation is a great way to multiply this succulent so you can have many of them without ever having to spend another dime!

Not only do they have look appeal but Aeonium are also super easy to propagate no matter your current skill level and can be done in a variety of ways.

So when it comes to Aeonium propagation, I assume you already have a healthy Aeonium to work with but if not you can find some over here.

Now that you have your succulent ready, let’s talk about how to propagate Aeonium and the different methods on how to do it right.

How to propagate Aeonium from stem

When trying to determine how to propagate Aeonium from stem cuttings, you will most certainly need a healthy mature Aeonium succulent to use.

So if you have one you can go ahead and use some clean sharp scissors to cut away a stem from the top of the main rosette.

Ideally you will have a few leafs towards the top of the stem cutting but it is not required.

You do however need to make sure that the lower part of the Aeonium stem cutting does not have any leaves that will be in the way when transplanting.

So now that you have one or more stem cuttings, you should let the cut dry and heal for a few days by letting it sit out in some indirect light to dry quickly.

This way the cut can callus and this prevents problems like rot from occurring in the future.

After a few days have passed and your stem cutting is healed, you should prepare a container full of quality cactus and succulent soil, mineral grit will also be a good idea.

Now get the soil moist but not entirely soaked and plant the stem 2 inches deep into the soil while making sure there are no leaves touching the soil or underneath.

For the next few weeks you will want to water lightly or use a misting bottle whenever the soil gets pretty dry and only when it’s getting dry to prevent over watering and rot from happening.

You will also place the container in a spot where it gets plenty of indirect light so it can grow but won’t get burnt or anything like that.

Eventually you will notice your Aeonium stem cutting has developed a strong set of roots and now you can resume normal care.

How to propagate Aeonium from offsets

Another method of Aeonium propagation is by using offsets which is pretty common just like with the stem cutting method.

This method also requires that your Aeonium succulent is pretty healthy as it will have to grow strong enough to produce offsets or pups that you can use.

So when you notice that your Aeonium has produced a ton of offsets you will need to divide them from the main rosette.

You can start by brushing away any top soil that may be covering your offsets, more specifically the roots will need to become visible so you can see what you’re doing.

From here you can gently twist and pull away an offset and it’s roots from the main rosette to use for transplanting.

Now you will need to set the offset aside for a few days in some indirect light so it can dry and heal just like with the previous method of Aeonium propagation.

Next you will once again prepare a container of high quality succulent and cactus soil along with some grit for extra drainage and support.

From here get the soil moist and plant the formed roots from the offset into the soil with the offset sitting firmly on top of the soil.

Water lightly or mist the soil whenever it has become dry and place the container in a spot where it’s going to get a good amount of indirect light at the same time.

After a few weeks you will notice stronger roots have formed and then you can once again resume normal care.

How to propagate Aeonium from seeds

When it comes to propagating Aeonium from seeds you have two options.

You can either get the seeds from your own Aeonium after it has bloomed which can take some time, or you can just buy Aeonium seeds straight up.

In either case, once you have your seeds you should let them dry out a bit which can be done by placing the seeds in a paper towel or whatever you have on hand that can allow them to dry.

Once the Aeonium seeds are dry you will prepare a container of cactus and succulent soil just like the other methods.

You should also use some grit such as coarse sand for drainage and more support for your Aeonium seeds.

Now wet the soil to the point where it is pretty moist but not entirely soaked and place the seeds evenly at the top of the soil around the container.

From here cover the container or tray with some plastic wrap and place the container in a spot where the Aeonium seeds will get consistent indirect light until germination is complete.

During the germination process, you will want to keep an eye on your soil and keep it moist.

If you notice the soil has become dry then mist the soil enough to get it moist and then cover the container again.

Repeat this process until seedlings start to appear.

Once Aeonium seedlings have starting appearing all over, you can remove the plastic wrap and allow the seedlings to get more sunlight than usual.

After some time your seedlings will be much stronger and more healthy which is when you can then transplant them into their own individual containers.

How to propagate Aeonium from leaves

Although Aeonium can be propagated from leaves, the chances of you actually doing it are significantly not in your favor.

Even having a success rate of 50% when propagating by leaf is considered really good but when it comes to Aeoniums you will never even get close to that rate.

It’s just not worth the time or effort and I recommend any of the other options listed above as your main Aeonium methods of propagation.

Pour Conclure

That’s really all there is to it when it comes to Aeonium propagation and the methods that you can use today to create more and more Aeoniums for years to come.

If that sounds good then go ahead and get started and I wish you the best of luck although you won’t need it after following these simple steps.

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